Monday, June 25, 2012


Have you ever read something or been listening to someone speak and raise an eyebrow at the wording? I had that moment this morning watching our local news. The last part of their slogan is “late breaking”. That made me think for a moment. I know what that means, but would someone who lives in another country or their primary language is not English? Both words, standing alone, do not mean the same thing.

late-breaking~late-breaking news concerns events that happen just before a news broadcast or just before a newspaper is printed -

late [leyt] Show IPA adjective, lat·er or lat·ter, lat·est or last, adverb lat·er, lat·est. adjective
1.occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time: late frosts; a late spring.
2.continued until after the usual time or hour; protracted: a late business meeting.
3.near or at the end of day or well into the night: a late hour.
4.belonging to the time just before the present moment; most recent: a late news bulletin.
5.immediately preceding the present one; former: the late attorney general.

break [breyk] Show IPA verb, broke or ( Archaic ) brake; bro·ken or ( Archaic ) broke; break·ing; noun verb (used with object) smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments: He broke a vase. infringe, ignore, or act contrary to (a law, rule, promise, etc.): She broke her promise. dissolve or annul (often followed by off ): to break off friendly relations with another country. fracture a bone of (some part of the body): He broke his leg. lacerate; wound: to break the skin.
When you are writing, be mindful of your audience

In today’s global world - books, like anything else, can and will cross borders. If your goal is to sell internationally, keep in mind words or phrases common to English speaking countries, or Americans only, will probably not be common to other areas. Know thy audience.

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