Prognosticate - to predict from current indications. (p. 337)
That word sounds a little archaic doesn’t it?
The publishing industry is full of prognosticators. Just look for op’eds on the Apple/DOJ case, Amazon, and e-books. There is a plethora (oo, maybe tomorrow’s word of the day) of them on the web. Read a handful of them and you’ll notice a distinct line, no happy medium, no gray area. Sign with a publisher, self publish. Print or e-book or both. Publishing is like any other industry - everyone has an opinion on the best way to move forward with your hard work.
What it boils down to is what is best for you, as a writer. None of it matters, though, if you do not continue to learn your art and continue to brand yourself as an author. The most profitable publishing company, with money to burn, is not going to be able to turn you into an overnight sensation if your writing does not appeal to a reader base and you’re not out hitting the pavement connecting with your readers.
Join a writers group, take writing classes, learn where your weaknesses are and focus on making them stronger. Continue to challenge yourself and push further and harder. Don’t be afraid to try something different. Network online and offline. Learn about the industry. Stay on top of the latest news. Do all of this before you publish your novel - traditionally or self publish. Continue to do this after you publish. Learn from others. Ask questions - a lot of them and keep asking until you understand. Do your own homework.
This is a new/current/future career for you. Your old/current career did not get successful because you expected someone else to do the work for you. Take the bull by the horns, kick it in the knees and become a pro at your craft, at your art.
Two things my grandfather tells me all the time - bend down, put your nose to the grindstone, dig in your heels, and push forward. The other?
Illegitimi non-du carbondum or very poor/mock Latin for Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
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